@Ugne’s Beauty 

The rules are pretty simple:

You must answer 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
You must list 11 random/fun facts about yourself.
You must pick 11 nominees with under 200 followers to answer your questions.
You cannot nominate the person who nominated you.
You must let the person you’ve nominated know that they’ve been nominated.

My questions for them are:

  1.  Who is your beauty guru idol/role model?

My beauty idol/role model has always been Marilyn Monroe. Her makeup was always classic and chic, I love a bit of winged eyeliner (:

2. How did you discover the world of beauty and what fascinates you the most in it?

I first became interested in beauty when I was about 12/13 years old, and my Mum used to pay me to paint her nails. I’ve always loved doing nails, makeup and eyebrows for my friends and family. When I left school I decided I was going to do Beauty Therapy because I wasn’t good at much else! In the world of beauty, I am fascinated by how a small treatment can make someone feel so much better about themselves and never fails to give me an instant boost.   

3. What is your makeup essential you couldn’t live without?

MASCARA! Pretty basic but can’t live without it.

4. What is your favorite time of the year and why?

It has to be summer. I love being able to wear nice clothes, relax in the sun and having a bbq and a lil’ drink (: I always give myself a countdown to the first day of summer…and then complain about how hot it is for 2 months….

5. What is your current favourite hair product?

VO5 ‘Smoothly does it’ cream serum. I’m not a hair person, generally I just leave it to dry naturally but when I can be bothered to straighten it I love a bit of serum to make it all smooth and shiny 😀

6. If you could only paint your nails the same color for the rest of your life, what color would it  be and why?

This is a great question, and I would have to say red! You can’t go wrong with a classic red, goes with any outfit and always looks really feminine.

7. Who is your celebrity crush and why?

Don’t really have one but I do have a strange crush on Dave Grohl :S Don’t ask why, I don’t even know myself…Maybe it’s the hair? hehe

8. The most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had related to beauty?

I did an at home spray tan once and once it felt dry, as it was hot that day, I absolutely had to put on some deodorant. The next day when I was leaving for holiday, I realised the deodorant had left my armpits completely WHITE. Didn’t lift my arms up for about 5 days… *covers face in shame*

9. What is your favourite scented candle?

Vanilla mmm…

10. What is your biggest goal in life you wish to achieve?

To become a successful beauty therapist and develop my nail art skills so that people would pay good money to have their nails done by me!

11. What is your favourite TV show at the moment?

Been having a bit of a throwback Friends binge. It’s always been my favourite show and never fails to make me laugh (‘: 


So here’s 11 facts about myself:

  1. I am a scorpio
  2. I love artwork and my favourite artist is Cindy Sherman ❤
  3. I love watching Poirot when I’m bored
  4. I am really awful with technology, I especially hate digital cameras and printers. Technology just hates me -__- 
  5. I always have to watch School of Rock when I’m ill. I know all the words to the whole movie and I always sing along to make myself feel better (:
  6. I’ve always been fascinated by animations like Chicken Run and Wallace & Gromit. They take years to make and they have to take pictures and make the little play-doh models look like they’re moving and everything…I could never have that kind of patience.
  7. I am in fact a natural blonde! I have coloured my hair blonder in the past but gave up as my hair turned to straw… I have also experimented with lilac and pink and a red dip-dye, which my hair did not thank me for…
  8. I have always wanted to see Budapest. Some of my ancestors lived there and I’ve just always wanted to see it.
  9. I have a guinea pig called Squeak and she is one of my most favourite people in the world ❤
  10. My pet peeve is when people lick their finger when turning a page. It drives me up the wall and I don’t know why.
  11. I’m a little bit OCD, there’s nothing better then a bit of cleaning and tidying when you’re stressed, I can’t explain it just puts the mind at rest! 😛 


Now here are my 11 nominations:

My 11 questions for you are:

  1. What is you’re favourite makeup brand and why?
  2. What most inspires your posts/designs?
  3. What is your favourite makeup look and why?
  4. What is your favourite nail varnish colour and why?
  5. What is your favourite movie?
  6. What is your favourite skincare product and why?
  7. What is your favourite animal?
  8. Who is your idol?
  9. What is your favourite song of all time?
  10. What is the most essential product in your makeup bag?
  11. What is your favourite perfume?

Hope you enjoyed reading and hope you enjoy answering! 

Pippa xo